The Latest Tech News!

To all our Dubai youth out there working or studying hard 2012 is almost coming to an end so what do we think were the best tech gadgets of this year? Our Youth to Marketing agency Dubai decided to find out by asking around among our young talented Dubai youth and those working in a marketing or advertising agency or some other form of media.

This year we have seen so many fantastic electronic gadgets developed as the world of technology keeps growing at a rapid rate. We know our Dubai youth communities love their electronic devices so we thought you would like to know the hot list.

According to US Time magazine the iPhone 5 was the top of their list, which also included other Apple products. However there are mixed reviews among our Dubai youth and in our marketing agency as most of us love the Apple Mini iPad and some rate the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 also.

Internet marketing has opened up so many new avenues for an advertising agency to market brands that almost every worker has either the iPhone 5 or brand equivalent and some form of tablet which gives them more versatility. No one is chained to the desk any more which is appealing to our Dubai youth. Plus our young generation have grown up with technology and are at the beat of what works best for them in their role.

The hot list from US Time magazine:

Just a couple of surprises there as no Apple Mini iPad, Kindle Fire, or the Samsung 85 inch TV, however 2013 is promising to be even more exciting as the competition speeds up. Here at Youth to Marketing Agency Dubai we know that all new technology will be even more complex and exciting next year.

To all our Dubai youth communities we welcome your views on what you think will be hot and what will not! This article was written exclusively for Youth to Marketing Agency Dubai.

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