Facebook Buys Face.com

isn’t a Facebook knock off, it’s an Israeli facial recognition company. And now that Facebook has gone off and purchased a company that has the potential to tremendously help in it’s photo efforts, the sky really is the limit.

Tagging yourself in photos used to be just a simple click and type option. Pretty soon, photos will be able to find you first. Now this merger has been speculated over for weeks, and just came to fruition yesterday, according to reports. Neither Face or Facebook are making comments on the money that’s exchanged hands, but some folks estimate that its between 55 and 60 Million doll hairs. Which isn’t surprising, if you’ve been following Facebook for a while you know that they don’t have a choice but to bet big on the mobile game and what’s one thing that people do often with their smartphones? Take and upload photos.

Facebook already uses some of the technology, allowing users to auto-tag friends and photos, and sometimes even gauge the subject’s age. (I wonder how many times that’s pissed off some people!) And this merger is exciting. “Our mission is and has always been to find new and exciting ways to make face recognition a fun, engaging part of people’s lives,” wrote founder Gil Hirsh in a blog post on the company’s website. “If you’re anything like us, Facebook is a part of your life every single day.” Because, as I mentioned above, it gives Facebook power in the mobile photo realm. Think about it. Facebook grabs Instagram for a cool Billion. Then it unleashes Facebook Camera. Now with the acquisition of , that’s a lot of moving parts to a well oiled machine. And that’s the other cool part, specializes in mobile photo recognition, not just photo recognition in general. Other tech writers agree: “With Instagram and Facebook Camera on the front end and on the back, Mark Zuckerberg has the arsenal he needs to win the war for mobile photos,” wrote TechCrunch’s Alexia Tsotsis.

Of course, this doesn’t come without concerns. Facebook doesn’t have the cleanest record when it comes to privacy concerns, and if this plays out the way it’s anticipated, Facebook could have the largest database of “tagged” photos in the world. As a matter of fact, Emma Draper of U.K. campaign group Privacy International to the BBC, says, “Facebook are in the process of building the largest and most accurate facial recognition database in the world, and with great power comes great responsibility.” Well said ma’am, well said.

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